Kodak has become a proprietary eponym...a band name so widely recognized, it has surprised its original trademark and become a generic name for a class of items. Just like Xerox, Kleenex and Band-Aid. Today we Xerox (photocopy) a document, grab a Kleenex (tissue), and putting a Band-Aid (bandage) on a wound
And those old enough to remember Kodak will also remember "This is a Kodak moment," which has also become common lingo for anything worth photographing or simply just remembering. "Gotta remember this" becomes "This is a Kodak moment."
Even phrases from big companies fall into a similar lexicon. What instantly comes to mind when we say:
Have it your way (originally McDonalds, today Burger King)
Just Do It (Nike)
Is it live or is it... (Memorex)
You're in good hands (Allstate Insurance)
And many others.
Today's generations might not 'get' the original meanings, but us old farts do and we're passing them onto future generations 😁