I'm of an older generation when 'nesting' was considered being comfortable in the spaces we occupy and having things close to hand. When I was a child, we'd never heard of ADHD. We were precocious and thus, moved from one thing to another so quickly, we left items out so they were readily available.
Now, as an aging lady, I'm still doing the same thing, but my nests vary around the house...in the office, it's all of my necessities for writing my novels. In my living room, it's mainly tools for knitting/crocheting and current projects. In my bedroom, books to read before sleep time.
I'm also a packrat...nay, collector...of yarn and tools for knitting/crochet and have most of my stash in clear bins so I can see and enjoy all of the colors and fibers before use. I also collect art supplies, as I bounce back and forth between yarn projects and drawing/coloring projects.
Typically, when my husband and I come home from grocery shopping, I need to be the one to put everything away. We usually split the job so it goes quicker. However, if there's something special I've picked up in the shop and he puts it away, I forget we have it and it usually goes out of date before I remember it's there to use.
He, of course, doesn't 'get' any of this. But your article ring so true for me, even to the point that when I do have a writing project, I usually 'barf it out' in as few sittings as possible rather than write for certain lengths of time...or page numbers per day. It kind of freaks out my husband when he sees me at the computer with my eyes closed, as if I'm sleeping, but my fingers are flying across the keyboard...and what I'm writing is coherent.
Now I wonder if I should be tested for ADHD, or at my age just chalk it up to being normal for me. Fortunately, my husband accepts my 'quirks' 😊
Of course, if I have ADHD, this could by a reason my nephew has it. He was just diagnosed about 18 months ago and has similar traits as I do.