KA Lugo
1 min readFeb 28, 2024


I always enjoy your writings, even as you process your personal grief. Your list of outlets to help manage grief is excellent.

I wonder if you had considered creating a special gift in Lorie's name...such as the Lorie Eisenberg Gift. Something to help someone else through their grief process. This could be a small financial gift that would allow the recipient to spend a weekend at some special event focusing on group therapy through bonding with new people in similar situations. A gift for someone with a same interest that Lorie loved. Perhaps a special weekend with an art specialist, even even in a small theater to work through grief through acting...or learning to act.

I know you have a wide reach through your own work so you may be able to create something new with some of those contacts and create something really special in Lorie's name.

A final thought on your list of ten outlets. #11...Rely on your pets for support, or even get a pet. I suffered my own stroke four years ago and grieved the person I had been and have been learning to live with the new me. My husband has been wonderful, of course, but our dog, Ruby, is a constant source of positive emotion for me whenever I need it. Cuddly dogs are amazing for self healing, especially as they love unconditionally.



KA Lugo

K.A. Lugo is a native Californian now living in Ireland. She dedicates her time to the Jack Slaughter Thrillers series and indie house, Tirgearr Publishing.